However, when it was time for her to return the microphone to the pastor to call the next person, a mild drama ensued. The Pastor said she should handover the microphone to the next person, but the next person shifted back and refused to collect it. Continue...
The Ebola survivor tried to hand the microphone over to other testifiers but they also declined, claiming that they would testify later.
Pastor: Don’t worry, give the microphone to the next person.
Next person: (shifts back) Nooo, give it to pastor.
Ebola testifier: Pastor, take your microphone, he is not collecting it.
Pastor: Give it to the sister behind him.
Sister: Shuuooo! I don forget my testimony, may be next week.
Ebola testifier: Pastor, if you are not ready to collect the microphone, I will put it on the floor (heading back to her seat)
The sister had to put the microphone on the floor. Before she could turn back to return to her seat, almost everyone around her in the church had jumped outside to escape contracting the disease.
ThisDay newspaper
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